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Two parrots in love. Αwesome wrist tattoo.

Two parrots in love. Αwesome wrist tattoo.

Parrot tattoos

Parrot tattoo symbolizes spring and fertility as well as imitation due to its ability to mimic. In Hinduism, it is associated with Karma, love, prophecy and rainmaking.

Placement Options for Wrist Tattoos

There are three basic placement options which you can consider while getting a wrist tattoo. Inner wrist is the most popular placement area for wrist tattoos. This placement ensures that the tattoo is not highly visible, but enough noticeable as well. Moreover it can be easily kept hidden if you don't want to show it off. Top side of the wrist is an option that is known to be the most daring, as a tattoo inked on this area is high visible. 

Choosing the right size and design is extremely important for this type of tattoo as it will be easily visible. Getting a tattoo which will completely wrap around the wrist is a popular trend among girls. This style is also known as a wristband style or a bracelet tattoo design that encircles entire wrist. This is a fave of girls as it gives a chance to ink most feminine tattoo designs like charms bracelets, flowers or knot bands.

Celebs with wrist tattoo


The wrist is a good place which can be used for tattooing. Wrist tattoos have even being sported by several women celebs such as Victoria Beckham, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria, Ashlee Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears, just to name a few. This is probably the main reason why these tattoos are becoming so popular among teenage girls and women. A good thing about wearing a tattoo on the wrist is that you can sport any possible design, but in a smaller size, considering the space. You can choose any kind of design on or inside the wrist, provided the design is suitable for the area. Some people even combine a wrist tattoo with one on the sleeve. Wrist tattoos are associated with a particular meaning or just mere style.

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